ASP.NET MVC: ActionNameSelector and ActionMethodSelector (or another approach to submit form to multiple action methods) – Part II

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Hope you enjoyed the first part of this blog post.

In this part I’ll discuss about how you can make your own ActionMethodSelector Attribute (though I'll use the out-of-the-box ActionNameSelectorAttribute ActionNameAttribute).

Lets first discuss the problem statement: I’ve one form which has two radio buttons and I want the form to be posted to two different Action Methods based on selection.

So here is the view:
   1: @{

   2:     ViewBag.Title = "Index";

   3: }


   5: <h2>Index</h2>


   7: @using (Html.BeginForm())

   8: {

   9:     @:ID: <input name="id" type="number" />

  10:     <br />

  11:     <input type="radio" value="action1" name="selector"/> @:Option1 

  12:     @:&nbsp; &nbsp; 

  13:     <input type="radio" value="action2"  name="selector" />@:Option2

  14:     <br />

  15:     <input type="submit" value="Submit" />

  16: }


  18: @ViewBag.Msg

And here is my controller:
   1: public class HomeController : Controller

   2:  {

   3:      public ActionResult Index()

   4:      {

   5:          return View();

   6:      }


   8:      [HttpPost, ActionName("Index")]

   9:      public ActionResult JustAnotherAction(int id)

  10:      {

  11:          ViewBag.Msg = "Message from JustAnotherAction";

  12:          return View();

  13:      }


  15:      [HttpPost, ActionName("Index")]

  16:      public ActionResult YetAnotherAction(int id)

  17:      {

  18:          ViewBag.Msg = "Message from YetAnotherAction";

  19:          return View();

  20:      }



  23:  }

Now I want my form to be posted to “JustAnotherAction” when “Option1” is selected in the view and to “YetAnotherAction” when “Option2” is selected.

So for this lets make the Custom ActionMethodSelector
   1: public class CustomActionMethodSelectorAttribute:ActionMethodSelectorAttribute

   2: {

   3:     private string _name;


   5:     public CustomActionMethodSelectorAttribute(string name)

   6:     {

   7:         this._name = name;

   8:     }


  10:     public override bool IsValidForRequest(ControllerContext controllerContext, MethodInfo methodInfo)

  11:     {

  12:         string name = controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Form["selector"];

  13:         return name != null && this._name != null &&

  14:                name.Equals(this._name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

  15:     }

  16: }
It is very simplistic in nature. It looks for a form entry named selector, compare the value and if found a match it returns true, which means the action method on which it is applied will be selected as a potential candidate for the request.

Now apply this attribute on top of the two action methods and you are good to go.
   1: public class HomeController : Controller

   2:  {

   3:      public ActionResult Index()

   4:      {

   5:          return View();

   6:      }


   8:      [HttpPost, ActionName("Index"), CustomActionMethodSelector("action1")]

   9:      public ActionResult JustAnotherAction(int id)

  10:      {

  11:          ViewBag.Msg = "Message from JustAnotherAction";

  12:          return View();

  13:      }


  15:      [HttpPost, ActionName("Index"), CustomActionMethodSelector("action2")]

  16:      public ActionResult YetAnotherAction(int id)

  17:      {

  18:          ViewBag.Msg = "Message from YetAnotherAction";

  19:          return View();

  20:      }

  21:  }

Run the application and check for yourself.

Hope that helps. :)


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